Ten Things to Smile About This Month: August 2015

I stumbled upon this awesome blog which has inspired me to write and document our life. I have always tried and have failed at it, but she has these fun link ups and I thought this was such a neat idea about posting 10 things that made you smile. Because being a mom can be hard and sometimes it is good to have reminders of the sweet joyful moments. So for the month of August here are some things that made me smile.

1. We were able to visit the beach as a family one more time before vacation ended.
2. We took Sofia to meet her great grandpa Jesse. 
3. School started!! Here's Gabriel and Jimmy's first day. Gabriel is in 2nd grade and Jimmy is in 7th... I can not believe how time sneaks up on you.
4. Des and Danny helped me make banana bread. 
5. Baby girl turned 2 months. My gosh I'm trying to savor my moments that I have with her at this stage. It is my favorite. 
6. We finally made it to our first Dodgers game of the season. 
7. Jorge and his Dad built me a workbench for me to work on my jewelry. I love it!!! 
8. Daniel started Tae Kwon Do.  
9. I loved this shot of Gabriel with Daniel holding hands at his cub scout outing. 
10. We made our first sale with our t-shirt business!! 

Friday Highlights

This week we started back to school and Tae kwon Do after a long summer break. We made homemade pizza which was so yummy. 

Michael started high school! Oh my gosh he is growing up so fast. 

Daniel helped me bake banana muffins!

little miss is struggling with gaining weight but we are managing. They took more blood to check her out and see if their is anything else going on with her.  

She is still being a happy little one, so sweet and sleepy still. 

I love all her little expressions, I just want to freeze time. So precious my baby girl you are. 

Update: Sofia's blood work came back normal and she is gaining weight. We found out she has a lip tie and we will be correcting that soon so she can nurse better.