Wordless Wednesday: 1st Time On The Swings!

So the weeks have been flying by and I have really neglected my little blog. It's time to catch up around here. Life has definitely been busy with the kids and my little project of growing my business. I have lots of ideas and just not enough time in the day to make it happen over night. I am not giving up, I just have to realize it might just take me a little longer than I thought. 
Ok..Ok.. moving on,  I love taking pictures of my kids and of basically everything so I thought I'd start participating in some fun photography linky parties. So here is my very first post for Wordless Wednesday which so far has not been wordless :)

Here is my sweet Daniel on the swings for the first time at the park.  At first he wasn't too sure of it but then he really started to like the little ride.


                                                          Here he looks a little scared.

                                                         Then he is all smiles again!

I love those little chubby cheeks! He really enjoyed the park so I think we will try to go more often.
So that's it my first Wordless Wednesday! 

Linking up for Wordless Wednesday with Jenni From The BlogLive And Love Out Loud
And Then She Snapped, Parenting By Dummies