
Thank you to all who entered this week's GIVEAWAY!! 

The winner of the Giveaway is our wonderful Facebook Friend Cheryl Jacobo!!

Thank you to all my followers, friends, and customers!! 
Keep a look out for the next Giveaway!! 
Have a great weekend!

Showering Moms with Love!! Meet Renee

Meet Renee, she is a wonderful stay at home mom to 3 kids, all under 5 years old!! She definitely has her hands full. 
She is sharing with us some tips and traditions that we might like to use with our family. 

  1. Tell me your life story. Who are you? My name is Renee, I am a mother of 3, I have a wonderful husband whom I love very much. My family loves the Lord and spend most of our days (lately) driving to and from my sons school in Riverside. When schools out we visit Disneyland or just hang out as a family.
  2. How many kids do you have? I have 3 kids. Tanner is 5, Trevor is 2, and Bellarose is 1
  3. What do you like to do that makes your soul happy? I like to sing in the car, drinking my coffee. I also love sleeping with all 3 of my kids in my bed. 
  4. What’s something that you and your family love to do together? We play I spy in the car, watch youtube videos of songs that the kids love to sing too. We also love to have dance parties in the living room and going to Disneyland.
  5. Have you started a unique family tradition?  We have some holiday traditions. For Thanksgiving we've been going to Disneyland, Christmas we put the carrot, cookie, and milk out and in the morning the kids run outside to see the carrots broken up on the lawn. New Years we play games and sleep in the same bed. Easter we plant new veggies and Skittles, The next morning the skittles grow into lollipops. 
  6. You are a stay at home mom, what tips can you give another stay at home mom? My favorite saying is "Its only a Season" . If the kids are safe, fed, and happy; make sure they are safe, then escape to the room (any) and take a mommy time out. Breathe, scream if needed, then get back to work. Its only a season. 
  7. What is something you want to improve in? Time management, with school, drive time, making dinner, etc. Its really hard to do anything fun during the day with my Littles. 
  8. What is your favorite design from Regina Ann Designs? And why?  I really like the necklaces with my kids name on it. It makes me feel like my kids are always by my heart, no matter where they are. 

Thank you, Renee, for sharing your wonderful family with us!!

Showering Moms with Love!!- Meet Yesenia

I would like to introduce you to another wonderful Mom, Yesenia!! She is a full time mom and she will be sharing with us some great tips that you can do with your family. 

I have 2 wonderful children, Ronald Isaias my first born is 7 he will be eight in 3 weeks! Yesenia Ilaina is 3 will be 4 in August. They are fun little characters they are a lot like me, outspoken and they LOVE to dance. The things that make my soul truly happy are listening to music-it automatically relaxes me and spending time with my kids they are my EVERYTHING. My family and I love to try new things and visit different places theme parks, zoos, shows, museums etc. The one special thing that we do every week is that we have movie cuddle time on mommy and daddy's bed. We watch movies in my room and pretend we are on a boat (the bed) :) . That is our thing "movie night/cuddle time".

Tips for other working moms would be to enjoy every moment that you are with your children. Life is very short and I have chosen to dedicate the most time possible to my kids. We have fun together and make every minute count. I recommend making sure dinner time is spent together telling about eachother's day and listening is key. I do not bring work home and I do not think it is a healthy thing to do, home is family time and work is work time. If I ever bring work home (which is rare and ONLY done if I ABSOLUTLEY did not have time to do it at work) I work on it when my children are asleep so that they do not feel I am cheating them of their mommy time.

I would like to improve on my patience with my children, and by worry about "time". I often let the clock "boss me around" I feel that I am constantly rushing myself and my family because of time restrictions. I need to s-l-o-w down and do what I can when I can. The best thing about being a mom is that there is always someone (2 in my lucky case) that will/do always love me and often tell me those special phrases that make my day. Like 'mommy you are the best!" and "your a good mom", "mamita I love you so much". Feeling appreciated and loved by the children that give meaning to my existence. Being their mother is the biggest blessing I will ever get. They are the reason that I have worked so hard in my life and the reason I continue to strive and move forward, it's all for them.  I love them with all my heart, and I never knew how strong a mother's love was until I became one-there is nothing in this world like it.

My favorite design is the one you made of my neckelace :). 

Thank you so much, Yesenia for sharing your beautiful family with us!!! 

Showering Moms with Love In May!! - Meet Aldonsa

The first Mom that I am featuring is Aldonsa, she is such a wonderful mother and she sacrifices so much for her family. She is strong and determined to give her best to her family.

Hi, my name is Aldonsa Perez, I’m a mother of two. A beautiful, smart, athletic and very stubborn ten year old girl, and a three year old who is a very active boy who thinks that it's funny to climb up anything that’s taller than him and jump off from it. I truly believe that he is going to be a stunt double in all kinds of movies.

I met my husband at a very young age and had my daughter very young too, I went to college for just a year and it was too hard for me so I dropped out.  You see I was born here in the U.S. but grew up in Baja California, Mexico, till I was twelve years old and even with the English classes I could barely read English let alone speak it. It’s been ten years since then but I plan to return when my son is on  pre- school next spring and graduate in business administration. 

I’m a stay at home mom who also is an Avon representative now who’s been in the business for more than five years and I love it. My life now consists of  PTO meetings, soccer practice (soccer games twice a week), music practice, swimming practices and swimming meets.  I love being there for all of my kids activities… even if I don’t get to sleep in the weekends. Don’t get me wrong,  I would like to go on dates, have a day off from the kids with my husband, but all of our family lives three hours away, so you just have to make an extra effort. It is hard to do all those thing every week but if you have someone like I do who is there for you to help you stand, when you need it, someone to lean on, someone who believes in you, nothing is too hard. We all have someone, it could be your husband, could be your mom, your friends or a  family member, even your own kids. 

Everything is possible if you truly believe in yourself. I mean just five years ago it was still really hard for me to speak English now I’m the PTO president, and Co- Chair of the Environmental Committee at my daughter’s school, it might not be big to you but I am the first bilingual president the school has ever had. I brought countless Spanish speaking parents to our meeting and encourage them to speak out even if is hard to do so. We all have to start somewhere and keep moving forward without looking back, because if you don't you’ll never move forward. 

I look at my daughter everyday and I love the way she thinks and is always coming up with ideas to better the world, it makes me so proud of her…tells me we are doing something good. 

One of the things we love as a family is to play soccer  and go to my daughter’s soccer games, even my three year old gets all exited during the games. I guess I’m a true Latina at heart because of that and the fact that I can not go a day without any music, and my Roxy is the same way. My husband and son love to work on cars all the time not sure if it's a guy thing, lol. 

I got to say I really admire Regina for taking the huge step and opening her shop, I would love to have my own business one day. I love to bake so it would be a pastry shop. That is why I love to shop at Regina’s. She is an outstanding mom, and a good friend . 

I think my favorite piece is the one she made for my mother- in -law. She engraved her grandkids name (five by the way) with their respective birth stones. It is beautiful & my mother-in-law loved it, she wears it all the time. I’m sure you will all love her designs too, if you haven’t ordered any, you should, they are beautiful. 

I hope you all liked my story and that you all keep looking forward into the future not into the past. Have a very happy mother’s day!

Aldonsa Perez

P.S. Don't forget to enter my Giveaway on Tuesday's BLOG post!

Showering Mom with Love In May & A GIVEAWAY!!

Being a Mom is hard, it can be tiring, and overwhelming but it can bring you so much joy. I know there are many times I'm just so tired of answering the same question over and over again. But then that little face will look up and say something so sweet and it reminds me of why I love being a Mom.

I know Mother's Day has passed but I want to continue showering love for Mom's in the month of May. So I will be having a few giveaways and will be featuring some local amazing Mom's here on the blog. 

For the first giveaway,  I will be giving away this beautiful sterling silver tag necklace with a sterling silver open heart charm. 

To enter simply leave a comment below 
telling us something that you like to do with your family. 

For extra entries follow me on my Facebook pageInstagram and leave a separate comment below that you did for each one that you did. 

Don't forget to tag #reginaanndesigns or @reginaanndesigns

May Monthly Wishes

There are many times where I have had  goals and things that I plan on doing but sometimes I get distracted with life, being a mommy and just plain forgetting about them. So I thought I could post my monthly goals  here so I can look back to see if I accomplished them. Also, I thought I could share throughout the month on how I'm doing with them. So on to the goals…

1. I know, I know I always say it but I'm going to say it again... I plan on blogging more. I need to,  I've said it before but it is important to me. I have some ideas for May that I want to share here on the blog. So I'm hoping I can get that going here pretty soon. 

2. Take more pictures to document our journey. I love taking pictures and I've really been slacking lately.

3. Fill up the shop. I have many designs I've done and haven't listed. I will work on listing them.

4. Healthly lifestyle. Lately, I have been making small improvements in this area and want to continue to. I've been making healthier choices but I need to incorporate exercise. Right now I'm pretty active in that I'm not always sitting. I'm always on the go with kids and walking a lot. But I think I need to do more. I'm thinking blogilates and walking 3x a week. We will see. 

5. Work on Desi's graduation party. Oh my, I can't believe this will be happening next month. 

So this is what I got.  There is so much more that I need to do and want to do. However, I think if my list is really long it will be overwhelming for me and I might just chuck the whole thing.... I need baby steps.

Ok, that's the plan. I hope I can do this.
Sounds easy enough right? Ok, now guys it's your turn. What are your plans for making this May